Jap Kids Say the Darnedest Things
The whole series here.
On-the-spot whimsy and wisdom from a Benevolent Despot.
With The Lights Out!
Nodongjagu - "Work Camp" My wonderful little productivity centers.
"I just saw
Five-star. Seeing Beloved Leader, I'm simply so inspired. What a great page! The page contains 72 links, a balanced amount. There are 30,763 characters in the code, which is an awesome length for Google. Glorious. The URL has 33 characters. That's just the right size.
If only the Linux Homepage would have a swell page like that. Well, I expected the creator to do this well. This page has the power to change our culture."
-- Heather Watson, Gigantic Web
Suck up.
Perfunctory hat tip to GI Korea.
What a party! Parades, bands, speeches, dancing girls, baby-oil naked Twister games. No fireworks, though. My generals remind me that our Paki Present is the only one we can be reasonably sure will detonate. Boy, did I give them a look. Why could you not just pop one of ours? They were afraid of failure. What good is having nuclear weapons if you never use them? An atomic explosion in the East Sea might be just the thing to reawake Godzilla and send him stomping through Tokyo again...and we'd have deniability. Of course, it would have been bad for the fishing.
Finally, after I have wowwed the masses countless times with my witty captioning, Outside the Beltway was made me the subject of one of their Caption Contests. I remember this day well...the old ajima kept trying to fix me up with her spinster daughter. They say, take a look at the mother and that is how the woman will appear when she ages. Colonel Min eventually took her behind the barn and beat her with a lead pipe for me.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-il comes second in a sorry top ten of the world’s worst dictators compiled by the U.S. magazine Parade.I worked hard to get where I am today, and I refuse to believe that Sudanese dustmonkey Omar al-Bashir is a better dictator than I. I am certain the wording is just one of those Jordan Eason misspeakings that are so rife in the warmongering press in America. I will show you who is Number 2...light the candles!
Someone found my Glorious Blog by searching for "Korean Anal Massage."
Until My Birthday! Yeah, I am stoked...I understand there will be fireworks!
Until my Birthday!
Bap - Cooked rice. As rice is such a staple in Korea (kinda like tree bark for those wacky tree-lovers in the northeast) the word means much more than just rice in our language; it means food itself.
Some hack puppet scribbling gibberish for the Associated Press is belittling my short hair edict:
The reclusive communist country is waging a hair war, telling its male population to mow the mane to conform to "socialist style" - no longer than two inches.Like I said, I like 'em dumb.Even hair-challenged, authoritarian leader Kim Jong Il has trimmed his famous pompadour. One exception, however: Comradely comb-overs are OK for older men.
The short-hair campaign was launched in October, but it reached new lengths yesterday when state-run Central TV began ridiculing nonconformists as unhygienic, anti-socialist fools.
It comes as North Korea's dictatorship struggles to ward off the influence of other nations, tighten its control over information, monitor its population and dictate cultural tastes.
State TV even derided violators of the order by name and address, calling them "blind followers of bourgeois lifestyle," and exposing them to jeers from other citizens.
"Can we expect a man with this disheveled mind-set to perform his duty well?" a narrator asked of one man shown on TV.
As North Korea's economic woes persist, more North Koreans are traveling to China - where long hair is in fashion - to seek food and are exposed to the rapidly spreading capitalist culture there. CDs and videos of South Korean songs and TV dramas - popular in most of Asia - also are reportedly smuggled into the North.
Kim's dictum claims that long hair hampers brain activity by taking oxygen away from nerves in the head.
North Korea's campaign does not mention any rules for women and gives no explanation as to why their long hair would not result in reduced brain activity.